Monday, February 26, 2007

Um, Mama...

Please don't put me in the sock drawer!

Happy Birth, Grampy!!!

Grampy turned 52 this past week and so I made sure we got a good birthday pic on such a special day!

Grampy is my buddy.

Sports Illustrated : Baby Swimsuit Edition

In honor of Anna Nicole, Queen Latifah, pre-surgery Star Jones and chubby babies everywhere , I donned my itty bitty bikini on Kapalua, Maui. This trip did not disappoint. I swam, I basked in the sun, I napped, I ate papaya and I made lots of friends. Here are some pics from my phenom trip.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Car Seat Upgrade...

My new throne is super cool. I can actually breathe again... the infant car seat straps were starting to cut off circulation!

How did you spend your Super Bowl?

I hung out with Bubba Paris-- as in the 9ers' Bubba Paris. He let me chew on his Super Bowl ring. It was so much fun! Here are some shots of me and the crew at Rusty & Julie Areias' house.
Papa Paul & I
My 'Rents
Best Friend Lily gets some love from Bubba.
I was pretty pooped come the end of the night. Go Colts!
Alexis Areias and I took some baby steps.

That's Bubba's ring. Pretty cool.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

My Posse...

Jake is none too pleased with our current situation.

Mozart in the Making

Me & the Lil'ster