In Daddy's NCAA excitement, he managed to lose our very expensive digital camera... at a bar... in between games. Mommy was none too pleased, but he has rectified the problem and ponied up some moola for a new camera. We're back in action, peeps.
These past couple of weeks have involved the following: crawling, walking (sort of...two steps on my own!), standing on my own, eating LOTS, drinking whole milk out of a straw!, saying "Mama" "Dada" and a version of "NaNa" (Stella's version of Grammy) "PaPa" (Stella's version of Grampy) and "Do" (otherwise known as Dora the Explorer). Yes, folks, Stella is growing up and at a rapid pace, we might add. She is a delight, if she doesn't say so herself... her smile says it all. Four teeth and more coming in, she is fun at night, too ;)
More pics coming soon. The one above is of my friend, MacKenzie Rae Back and I.