I don't want to overstate this -- so I won't -- I'm a damn good traveler.
I resisted a five star meltodwn after sitting on a tarmac for three hours only to depart onto a 9.5 hour flight from Milan, Italy to Atlanta, Georgia and then find out that we missed our connecting flight home to Sacramento and have to rush to get on the next flight, finally making it home in time for the sun to come up the next day. I could barely manage to cry as my poor little body was too tired. So I just smiled and shrieked any time another child wandered by... after all, it was the least I could do to torture my parents after subjecting me to the world's longest travel experience. I'm only one, people.
The trip was phenom-- all three weeks of it. I saw cities that I frankly won't remember tomorrow (Roma, Venezia, Verona, Sicily, Tuscany...), but the people and the attention I received was well worth the arduous travel schedule. I got to sleep in several "baby cots" as the italians like to call them. I also managed to try aged cheese, polenta and wine (okay, the latter is a joke). Both the Simpson/McCarty & Gonsalves grandparents were there to buffer what could have been utter boredom with Mom and Dad. I also managed to get a couple of days with my Aunt Kristina and Uncle Jason and my cousin Evan. Once we departed for Sicily, I met a whole slew of folks that claimed to be related to me with ne'er an English word muttered. I somehow managed to understand their "che bella!"'s and their "Piccolina!"'s... Domenico, my third cousin was truly the highlight of my trip. You can see I was smitten by the photo from yesterday's posting. He is one handsome kid. Too bad we're related.
While I was sad to leave Italy, it was nice to get to sleep in my own crib (with bumper-- I bonked my head every other night on the "baby cots" that never seemed to have bumpers!). All of my toys were sitting their in my nursery smiling up at me, so happy to see that I was home safe and sound. The ecstasy I felt cannot be relayed other than in a loud shriek of delight, which I expressed upon recognition of my bedroom. For those of you who have yet to experience a trip like this, I highly recommend it. Bring your walking shoes (or stroller, in my case) and lots of sunscreen. It's a wild ride, but one I'm sure at least my parents won't forget.
Yours Truly,
Stella Giuseppina-- Piccolina