Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas with the Kinney's

Vio and I made out like thieves! Apparently, Santa has no idea how many times I pinched my sister. Lots of fun toys-- a kitchen set most women would envy, a Radio Flyer tricycle, clothes and shoes, hats, stuffed animals, a big girl potty, books, did I mention shoes?, a hot pink big girl recliner from Grammy! I mean, honestly, we had a kick butt year. After we devoured Mommy's Christmas Eve feast with our aunts, uncles and Grandparents, Vio and I left cookies and apples for Santa and his reindeer. I took it upon myself to help Santa out by nibbling on a few of the cookies before bedtime. Christmas night we went to Grammy Jo's for more food and hoopla. All in all, a fab Natale.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Countdown to Xmas

Rainy weather and lots of indoor time leads to QT with my big sis... Grampy hangs out with us, too. Here are some of our "downtime" shots. Only a few days until Christmas! Yay!

- Vio

O Christmas Tree

So, we're moving in a few weeks and M&D decided it was too much trouble to trek to Apple Hill. Where did we find our stellar tree you ask? Why Home Depot, of course. Isn't that where everyone gets their tree? Riiiight. Here are some shots of Vio and I at the lot.

Scary Santa

M&D took me down to Pavilion's to get a picture with Santa Claus. Um, honestly, are they crazy? That guy's nose was out of control. I took one look at him and cried my bloody head off. Maybe next year will be better, but I'm thinking I like the "Santa I can't See" better than this guy.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Sissy & Me

So, Vio has become a permanent fixture in our house -- much to my dismay! I kid, I kid...

I must say, however, she has become cuter and increasingly tolerable with age (a ripe old age of 8 weeks, I might add!) Mommy & Daddy decided to show her off at Daddy's company Christmas party this year. You can't see her in this picture, as she is in her resumed position-- Mommy's chest for feeding time. I stayed behind with the nanny since I am getting a bit too rambunctious for adult parties. I have more interest in the breakable trinkets at events like these than in socializing with M&D's peers.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Don't Steal my BFF!

So, big sis Stella doesn't like the fact that her BFF, Lily, took a serious liking to me this past Thursday. Stella doesn't like to share her friends. I, on the other hand, have a feeling that this sharing thing is going to pick up steam in coming years. After all, I'm only going to be a year behind Ms. Stella in school. I'm sure we'll share lots of friends. Boys, no, but friends, yes. :)

Daddy & His Girls

Daddy, Vio and I spent some QT this Friday night. Now Daddy knows what it's like to be left with the two of us during "witching hour." Mommy was thoroughly amused. Regardless, we're still pretty cute...right, Daddy?


Tuesday, December 4, 2007

18 months and 2 months: Milestones in the Kinney House

So, I turned 18 months old on November 15th and after having my obligatory flu shot, found out I was a whopping 23 lbs! I'm tall, too... apparently 32 inches long. America's Next Top Model here I come! I started practicing the cat walk in Mommy's shoes the other day. I've got quite the strut. My newest verbal developments include: a rather defiant "No, no, no...," a very clear "mom" and "Da-ady," "Nana," "Dudy" (baby talk for Grampy), "TT" for Auntie Taryn, "Papaul" or Papa Paul, "ball," "Coco," "Peese" or please, "Cheese," and sadly, "Chiz" or Cheers! You can tell I come from a boozey family! Other words come out and sound a little muffled, but I'm working on it! Doctor says I'm ahead of the game so that's good. I know the alphabet sounds, too. My favorite letter is P... I like to go around the house shouting "Pa-Pa-Pa-Pa!" It is funny at first, but apparently it gets old when we're sitting in Church. -SJK

My turn! I turn 2 months old on December 17th and boy, have I grown! I'm 10lbs, 4 oz and 22 1/4 inches long. I'm hoping to outgrow my sister Stella by the time I'm 4 months old! Sibling rivalry is alive and well in our house! My latest developments include cooing and smiling and holding my head up. Tummy time isn't my favorite trick, but I appease Mommy for a minute or two. I'm awake more these days and mighty alert... usually just in time for that "witching hour" of 6pm. Good times. We went on our first trip to Lake Tahoe this past weekend and I did just fine. Check out the pics! VAK