Monday, February 11, 2008

Percentiles are for the Birds

So, Stella and I had our 18-month (a bit late) and 4-month (a bit early) well-baby appointments this past Tuesday. That's right, Super Tuesday = Shots and Baby Tylenol in the Kinney house. ;) Stell and I hung in there, though, and barely made a peep. 6 shots total (between the two of us) and a rather boisterous trip to the voting polls, left Mommy exhausted and ready for a nap. Thankfully, Stella and I tuckered out and slept for three hours-- in unison-- as soon as we landed at the homestead. Yay for Mom! So, here are the stats:

*Stella, 32 inches long and 25 lbs. Lean, mean, fighting machine.

*Violet, 25 inches long and 12 lbs, 4 oz. Lean, mean, fighting machine deux.

Bottom line: We are only in the 25th percentile for weight, but amazons among women (85th percentile) for height. Mommy wants to know how large one's girth needs to get before they reach that coveted 50th percentile. Geeze! At least we know we won't end up on the Montel Williams show for obese children ;) I joke, of course. We have plenty of time to catch up!

Someday we will have pictures to share. Bug my dad.
