What a Summer it has been! Violeta and I have spent some serious sun time, frolicking in our plastic pool and enjoying the outdoors. At about 4 o'clock, however, we head in for some much needed R&R and well, Air Conditioning. Sacramento Summer heat is not to be messed with.
Many have asked what the rugrat and I have been up to as of late. So, here goes...
I am officially 25 months old and talking up a storm. Being that I'm so big and all, Mommy decided it was time to get rid of my precious "bink." Mommy and I mailed my beloved, used and abused pacifier to the "Paci Fairy" who according to lore (Mommy lore, that is) will deliver it to a sweet newborn baby who
needs himself a binky. While I was saddened by my paci's departure, I was delighted to see the "Paci Fairy" did not leave me empty handed. She brought me two new books to enjoy! I handled the transition like a champ and slept sans sucker that very night. Yay for me!
Sissy is 8 months old and a sweet, smiley girl. She laughs and shrills and grabs and rolls and bounces and claps her hands at just about anything and anyone. She is truly my biggest fan. I walk into the room and well, Sissy grins from ear to ear. Can't imagine life without my little "pumpkin head." That's what I like to call her. Every morning I greet Sissy girl in her crib and shout, "Good morning, pun-kin head." I love my Sissy and she loves me.