SJK's in the pool. Today was my last swimming lesson with Teacher Sarah Walton. She is the best swim instructor on this side of the Mississippi! She taught me to blow bubbles, to kick my feet and to smile while drinking chlorinated water. All in all, a jolly good time. I'm sad to see Summer fun come to an end, but school is upon us-- I start next Tuesday, twice a week, at Little Blossom Montessori School. Wish me luck! As if school wasn't enough, I simply couldn't resist the pink leotard and matching tights that Deane Dance Studio requires for the pre-ballet classes... sooo, you've guessed it, I start ballet lessons once a week starting next Weds. This fall is going to be wild. Pictures will surely follow my first plie.
Until then, enjoy my pre-Olympic swimming shots. Thanks to Mrs. Hedy Govenar for use of her pool!
xoxo Stell