Mommy, Daddy and Violet took me to Little Blossom Montessori School this AM for my first official day of preschool. I was so excited I shrieked when I got out of the car. Best friend, Lily Govenar, also started today. Mommy & Ms. Brookey are very happy, as you can see... The day started, appropriately, with the Pledge of Allegiance and "Itsy, Bitsy Spider"... another national favorite? In the middle of Itsy Bitsy I yelled aloud, "Mommy, that's my song!" Hopefully sharing is a skill I'll acquire in school. ;-) Enjoy my first shots... more to come, I'm sure!
Update: Cut to-- me being picked up promptly by Mommy at 12:30pm, only to find myself in a sad state of affairs, begging for my mommy. Upon entering the school from the playground I peered across the room to see my Mommy standing there with a huge smile on her face and a tear in her eye, "Mommy!" I yelled, "I thought I lost you." Let's just say Mommy's tears kept coming for a good 10 minutes after that. Never fear, folks, I was pretty happy most of the day... it was only in the last hour that I became somewhat distraught. I was not alone either... a chorus of preschool cries greeted Mommy and the other parents at pick-up. Gotta love the first day of school! :)
Back on Thursday!
xoxo Stell