PS. Doesn't it look like my sister, Violet, has a wig on? The kid has a lot of hair! :)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Happy Friday to Everyone!
Just another week in the life of the Kinney girls... haircuts, play time and lots of sisterly love... xoxo S&V
PS. Doesn't it look like my sister, Violet, has a wig on? The kid has a lot of hair! :)

PS. Doesn't it look like my sister, Violet, has a wig on? The kid has a lot of hair! :)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Nesting 101
As Mommy "nests," V and I get to watch in awe at what many, ahem-- okay mostly just Daddy-- call insane behavior. Cleaning closets, organizing toys, disinfecting and laundering even the cleanest of items, and finally, having a monster garage sale to ultimately purge her sinful purchases of past.
Today was THE day. Yard sale day-- it did not disappoint. Weather was mild, a cool 82 degrees and the crowd grew with every hour. Everything sold, with the exception of a few minor items that we quickly sent to Goodwill. A fortune was made by all... now, off to dinner and ice cream. Here are some pics of our nesting delirium by osmosis (notice I'm wearing Mommy's stinky Converse worn during a day of schlepping yard sale items). Enjoy!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Daddy's Back from Vegas...
Mommy and Daddy spent our nap time organizing and categorizing items to sell this coming weekend. Yes, folks, we will be having the world's largest yard sale. Daddy got home yesterday evening from a fantasy football draft in Vegas so Mommy put him straight to work this morning! No mercy for the gambler! ;) In the midst of all of their work, Daddy took some time for piggy back rides. He even shared his Padres hat with Sissy girl. :)
Happy Sunday Everyone!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Suddenly Seeking Blog Name
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Little Fish, Big Fish, I'm not a Fish... I'm a Mermaid
And so the conversation went between Violet and myself during our two day stay in beautiful Monterey... Daddy hooked it up at the Intercontinental a mere block (walking) to the Monterey Aquarium. Grammy & Grampy came in tow to help with us rugrats and to enjoy the ocean air with M&D. The highlights of our aquarium visit were the petting tanks (we got to actually touch stingrays-- minus their stingers, of course... starfish and kelp), the friendly penguins, finding Nemo (or a fish that looked a lot like him), the jellyfish, watching the giant tuna swim by us as if we were not even there, and of course, scouring the tanks for the great white (baby, but still HUGE) shark. Afterwards, we napped, hit the hotel pool, stopped by a ginormous candy store, ate a lovely dinner at Monterey's Fish House and paraded down the street to Ghiradelli's for some much needed ice cream. It was a fantastic trip. Thanks Daddy for footing the bill! xoxo Stella & Violet
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