So, Stella is really quite the jet setter these days. We left for Chicago, Illinois on Sunday morning and finished our trip in Bloomington, Indiana on Thursday morning. Stella slept on the flight and barely made a peep. One woman actually asked me how much I had drugged her. Proud to say, no Benadryl here ;) Although, we did stop and buy some before the trip (just in case)!
Chi town was phenomenal... when I say phenomenal, I mean the shopping was comparable to a day of gallavanting in Los Angeles or New York City sans the traffic and weather (or just kidding-- Chicago has both of those). We all know how a day of good shopping and a deep dish pizza can put a smile on Stella's (okay, Mommy's) face. I guess the only difference between Chicago and Mommy's other favorite metropolitan shopping districts is its geographic positioning-- ie. lake, no ocean-- and what Chicagoans like to refer to as
"the hawk." Read: a wind chill that could bite your nose off. Not really sure how a hawk has anything to do with record breaking wind, but we'll go with it. "The hawk" only reared its ugly head toward the end of our day and just in time for our 7 block walk back to the W Hotel. 17 shopping bags and no umbrella makes for what Mommy likes to say, "good times." All in all, Stella did farely well in the windy city. Okay, she made out like a bandit-- seven outfits, to be exact.
Our trip to Indiana was great. Stella got to spend time with Mama Vi, Baba, Aunt Kristina, Uncle Jason & Cousin Evan. Everyone was in good spirits and lucky for us the weather was bright and cheery and even warmer than home-- yay for Fall foliage! I think we all agree Mommy does better in warmer climates ;) We walked the IU campus and ate at Laughing Planet (healthy burritos on crack) and Jiffy Treat (0 calorie yogurt with hot dogs and french fries).