Mommy & Daddy resort to putting me in a suitcase. This is pathetic, people.

Well, we are back from our 9-day Maui excursion. It was beyond phenomenal. A great two year anniversary trip for Jason and I and a dazzling first vaca for the little gal. Stella took the nearly six hour flight like a champ- demanding only 6 bottles of breast milk (Mommy's tapped dry!) and ne'er a complaint to be cried. The Whaler Condominium was spectacular (thanks Uncle Ant and Aunt Ev!) and Grammy Jo and Grampy Dave were a much needed babysitting duo for the latter half of the trip. Stella loved the pool and was a bit weary of the ocean, but she told me she'd like to make this an annual trip. She went from the porcelain white beauty that she is to a lovely shade of beige (as Grammy Jo would say). The only glitch, we arrived and realized we had nothing in which our babe could slumber... our solution (and genius, I might add)?? A well-padded suitcase. Go ahead and mock us now, you know you'll give it a whirl next time you have a small infant in tow. The move was so brilliant, we stuffed Grampy in our carry-on when his snoring got unbearable.
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