Saturday, October 6, 2007

Apple Hill in all of its Glory

So, M&D, Uncle Mikey and his roommate Sofia, Auntie T, and Grammy & Grampy took me up "the Hill" for some pumpkin fun. I'll tell you, folks, it was quite a sight to be seen. Tons of young whipper snappers trolling down the hill in search of the coolest pumpkin. I entered Abel's Apples back forty and headed straight for the ponies. I know in-breeding of miniature livestock is very popular these days for all sorts of agricultural reasons, but people, this pony was as small as my dog Coco. Strange, I tell you, strange. In order to appease my parents, however, I took the tiny thing for a spin. As you can see from these shots, I was restrained in my approach. Daddy held me as I kept my hands to myself and tried to comprehend the unusual size of what would usually be my favorite animal.

After my pony adventure, I sat among the sea of pumpkins... and picked what will surely be this year's East Sacramento Pumpkin of the Year (or, at the very least... runner up). Mommy says we can't carve him until Halloween gets closer. In the meantime, I was allowed to take home some gords to keep me happy. Apple fritters, apple cider and several hours of bumper to bumper traffic and I'm home now and a little tuckered.

Mommy just hopes the adventure brings on labor!


  1. Hey Mary!

    I know your due any second... but when your ready let's make a play date! I'd love to see you and can't wait to meet Stella (mabye her little sister too!). I can't believe the kids are all 17 months old and have NEVER met! I think they would all have so much fun together.

    XOXO Gen

  2. Absolutely, Gen! We should plan something once my second babe arrives. Contracting as we speak...
