Our Daddy is 37 years old. Well, now he's like 37 years old +... His birthday was last Tuesday. We celebrated at Dragonfly restaurant downtown and both Kinney gals were well behaved in honor of dear ole dad. Stella J. entertained our waitress and Cousin Ben, while I nursed like a champ. Mommy, well, she just tried to drink her wine fast.
Here are some pictures from Daddy's birthday and the week after. Everyone is getting so big... and in Daddy's case, just plain old. ;)
- Violet
Babies everywhere! I love it! Do Ben and Violet look a lot alike? Also, I must ask, how in the world do you get Stella to keep on her bow? Caitlin's were placed on the tip top of her head and her arms were too long to reach, now she's back to pulling them out again. Ugh, don't they know beauty is pain? Love the pics!