Thursday, December 25, 2008

Runnin Around the Christmas Tree...

Our tree might be dead as a door nail, but we don't care! Christmas festivities are upon us and M&D have many a tradition in the Kinney casa already. Last night, we hosted the Gonsalves/Kinney fam for a Christmas Eve dinner and gift exchange after a children's mass at 4pm. It was quite the hootananny. This morning, we woke at the crack of 8:45 (that's right, folks, we like to sleep!) and ran downstairs to see what St. Nick brought us this year. Quite an extraordinary year, I must say. Dolls, prams, fake food, a talking globe, a talking bug, you name it... In the midst of it all, M&D looked on with smiles on their faces. I think they may have had more fun than we did. Gift opening is really a spectator's sport. Here are some shots from the week long Christmas extravaganza(s)! More to come as we have dinner at Grammy & Grampy's house tonight. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Stella & Violet

Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Feliz Navidah!"

For those of you who don't know, I sing a mean version of "Feliz Navidad" goes something like this... "Feliz Navidah, Feliz Navidah, Feliz Navidah... lalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaa... I want to wish you a Mewwy Kismas. I want to wish you a Mewwy Kismas. I want to wish you a Mewwy Kismas from the bottom of my heeeeeeeeaaaaaaaart." Now if only I would have sung it with the gusto I usually do at my preschool holiday musical. I started out okay... took my seat, reindeer antlers on and smile in check. Next thing I know, though, my BFF Lily has escaped and landed straight in her daddy's arms. I think for a second and realize I don't really want to be up here and start searching madly for MY daddy. Within seconds I spot him, video cam in hand. I start with a whimper that slowly, but vigorously rises to levels that would cause most dogs to howl. Hey, at least I know how to "steal the show." Nobody said a 2.5 year old would handle this situation well, but I am quite proud of my display of courage. Despite my intense fear of the growing audience at St. John's Lutheran church (strange, since the play was "non-denominational" ;)) , I stayed in my seat-- Ms. Tania must have threatened me. In between my bellowing cries, I would applaud at the end of each song. I may not have actually sung, but I felt compelled to applaud my peers in their marvelous rendition of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and "Feliz Navidad." Here are some classic shots of the night.

Feliz Navidad!
Stella Jo

Friday, December 12, 2008

Febrile what?!

So, yesterday I was a little cranky and had a bit of a cold/cough, but generally acting okay. A slight fever, but after a dosage of Tylenol, I was feeling much better. Mommy put me down for the night and my fever was gone... or, so she thought. At around 4:30am, Mommy woke to the sound (through the baby monitor) of me groaning and moaning (not my usual cry) and was startled enough to rush to my bedroom. I was having a febrile seizure due to a spike in my body temperature that had happened sometime in the early morning. Mommy quickly put me on my side and yelled for Daddy to call 911. The paramedics arrived within minutes! They rushed Mom and I off in the ambulance and began running my vitals and administering motrin and tylenol to help bring my fever down. Within a half an hour, I was back to my normal, happy self and was able to go home an hour later. Turns out, I had an ear infection that had developed possibly over night due to the congestion in my little head and has required I be put on antibiotics for 10 days :( The scariest part of this whole thing is this is pretty common among tots my age. A rapid temperature rise can often lead to seizing in small children and once it happens, it can happen again if the temperature is not kept in check. Needless to say, Mommy has been hovering over me all day long and refuses to leave me alone...even when I'm sleeping. I'm sure she'll relax a bit in a week or two, but for now she and Daddy are pretty shaken up. I, on the other hand, am acting as though nothing ever happened... smiling, laughing and attacking Coco. :)

xoxo Violet

The Suspense is Over...

You should have already received your card from us and if you haven't, well sorry for the spoiler. Happy Holidays!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Because our mother is a nut and loves to take endless photos of us, Sis and I had our first real photo session (M&D were part of it, too, but who cares, right?) with the magnificent Lauri Levenfeld ( a couple of weeks ago. Here is just a taste of what you will soon see in your yet-to-be delivered holiday card. :) Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Stell & Vio


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Birthday, Sweet Annabel!!

My BFF, Annabel Mae, turned 1 this weekend. Here are some shots from the party. It was great fun... even if Stell and I were scared out of our minds of the puppet show ;) We warmed up toward the end...

Enjoy and Happy Bday, AB!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Cousin Bun Bun

So, Vio and I were lucky enough to have cousin Ben (Bun Bun) stay with us the past two days. Mommy didn't have to do much in the entertainment department, seeing that we pretty much entertain eachother. Anything you can do, I can do better could have been our theme for the past two days. We love our cousin Bun and love teaching him lots of silly, sometimes reckless things to do around our house... you know, like jump on the couch, run full speed down the hallway with Violet's walker, banging it ever so gently on Mommy's precious french doors. Child's play. ;-) So innocent our angelic faces, aren't they??

We love you Bun and hope you can spend more QT with us at the Kinney homestead in weeks to come...

Love, Stell & Violet

Monday, December 1, 2008

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas...

Sure as the turkey was in our tummies, we head out to Apple Hill to cut us down a fine Douglas Fir. Mommy's fave. It was a wonderful long weekend, even if Daddy worked two of the four days! ;) Here are some shots of our Thanksgiving day dinner (thanks, Grammy!)... Mommy made the pies... and our Christmas tree hunting extravaganza. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!!!

xoxo Stell & Vio

Monday, November 24, 2008

Gobble Gobble Time

So much to do between now and Thursday. Mommy is responsible for baking pies for my preschool tomorrow and consequently, the Gonsalves-Kinney fam on Turkey Day. I like to help by eating the pie crust and nibbling on chocolate chips. Sissy likes to destroy the dough and then eat it. Love baking, love the holidays. Unfort, no pictures of our culinary skills as Mommy was busy at work, but here are some lovely shots from this morning's ritual-- Sesame Street and milk... or, was it Blue's Clue's? Who knows... :) Happy early THANKSGIVING!!!

xoxo Stell & Vio

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays!

November was a crazy month in the land of birthdays. Daddy turned 38-- 2 more years to 40. We went to dinner at Mikuni to celebrate with our old man before he and Mommy jetted off to LA for a weekend of debauchery with their good friends the Govenars. Today, Clifford & Marina Ficker threw a joint sibling party that Mommy & Grammy took us to... pony rides included. Cousins Taylor and Evan are one year older this month, too. Seriously, V & I are feeling a bit left out of this November birth posse. Happy birthday to all!!! We love you.


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Cinderella and her Violet...




Friday, October 31, 2008

International Costume Day at Little Blossom Montessori School

Violet went as a wee Parisian babe and I, well, I sported the sweet Portuguese apron and handkerchief for this special day. Sopish anyone? Mommy wore her Obama shirt, not quite "International," but a statement nonetheless! Enjoy!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Carving: Go Obama!

So, Auntie TT came over and Stell, Daddy, Mommy and I went to town on our pumpkin carving for Halloween. TT carved an Obama sign (very impressive) and M&D well, there pumpkins need a little help, but we love them anyway! ;)

Happy Halloween everyone! Hope to see you on the streets! xoxo Vio & Stell