For those of you who don't know, I sing a mean version of "Feliz Navidad" goes something like this... "Feliz Navidah, Feliz Navidah, Feliz Navidah... lalalalalalalalalaaaaaaaa... I want to wish you a Mewwy Kismas. I want to wish you a Mewwy Kismas. I want to wish you a Mewwy Kismas from the bottom of my heeeeeeeeaaaaaaaart." Now if only I would have sung it with the gusto I usually do at my preschool holiday musical. I started out okay... took my seat, reindeer antlers on and smile in check. Next thing I know, though, my BFF Lily has escaped and landed straight in her daddy's arms. I think for a second and realize I don't really want to be up here and start searching madly for MY daddy. Within seconds I spot him, video cam in hand. I start with a whimper that slowly, but vigorously rises to levels that would cause most dogs to howl. Hey, at least I know how to "steal the show." Nobody said a 2.5 year old would handle this situation well, but I am quite proud of my display of courage. Despite my intense fear of the growing audience at St. John's Lutheran church (strange, since the play was "non-denominational" ;)) , I stayed in my seat-- Ms. Tania must have threatened me. In between my bellowing cries, I would applaud at the end of each song. I may not have actually sung, but I felt compelled to applaud my peers in their marvelous rendition of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and "Feliz Navidad." Here are some classic shots of the night.
Feliz Navidad!
Stella Jo
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