...We were heading home on an airplane from Maui and I was an only child. Granted, Mommy had a bun in the oven at the time and I didn't know it, but my have things changed. Cut to, following year, same flight home but this time, there are two of us.
Violet, or "Sissy" as I like to call her, is such an easy going love bug. She just eats, sleeps and smiles. Literally. Sometimes a mere glance can ensue an infectious giggle from the peanut that even the biggest curmudgeon can't resist. Long, lean fighting machine is what Mommy likes to call her Vio. She eats like a horse and poops like one, too. Metabolism like a champion -- the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess. Sissy has also started rolling over and enjoys time in her Bumbo seat. She is such a big girl and I really do love her so. Kiss, kiss.
I, on the other hand, have my moments of terrible TWO. Or, as Mommy likes to call me "Little Hitler." If I don't get my way, I resort to screaming at the top of my lungs, "NO!!" I also confuse pronouns and when trying to say "Me" or imply that I want to do something, I scream, "YOU!" It's quite entertaining the first few times, but after 4.5 hours on an airplane with a good hour left and sheer exhaustion, I can get a little annoying. Mom and Dad love me anyway :) It's always fun to watch the reactions of the 60+ crew who thinks I should be incarcerated for such behavior. I guess they forget what it's like to be almost 2.
All in all, things are peachy keen. Mommy had a slight pregnancy scare. Thank goodness it was just a scare. Big Phew. Life is resuming some normalcy-- baby puke, pitter patter and temper tantrums galore-- it's all relative, isn't it? Pictures from Maui are beautiful and must be shared. Mommy has given up the plea to fix our computer/ photo situation. I guess she'll have to take a class and figure it out herself. Hint, hint, Daddy...
Until next post...adieu!
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