Tuesday, April 15, 2008

All in a day's work...

So, Mommy likes to think that now that Sissy and I are napping pretty regularly, getting more robust and eating more that life is getting easier... we made sure to test her theory on Sunday night.

Back story-- Mom has been trying to wean Sissy V from nursing as she is approaching her 6 month birthday (on April 17th) and well, getting teeth. In the midst of this weaning, Mommy has been trying to guesstimate how much formula to mix in a bottle. There are no measuring cups with nursing! Needless to say, Mommy overfed Sis. So much so that while dining with the family at our chosen eatery, Paesano's, Sissy up-chucked enough baby formula and baby food to fill a bucket and consequently, Mommy's lap...and shoulders...and hair. Good times. When Mommy asked Daddy if we could "Please go now?" he replied, "Let me finish my meal first." Again, good times. At least Daddy's meal wasn't pukedified. I guess sometimes that's the way the cookie crumbles...or, the way the puke falls. ;)

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