Boy, am I wiped out. What a day! 25 of my closest toddler friends (love you guys!), Sissy, Mom and Dad's adult posse and a bunch of my fabulous, gigantic family and well, it was the biggest party my big brown eyes have ever been witness to. I wasn't sure what to make of it all. I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day, but I went to sleep with a huge smile on my face. Giggles the clown was great even if Uncle Tommy thinks she drank some funny punch before she performed. A little face painting, balloon making and I'm a fan. I got a rainbow painted on my arm and a cool flower balloon. All in all, a productive day ;) Hope my friends enjoyed themselves... the gifts you all brought were tremendous! I am a very lucky girl to have so many fabulous playmates. Thanks for sticking it out in this sweltering heat.
Buon Compleanno a me! xoxo Stell
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