Sissy and I had quite a day... we started out early at our neighbor's Fourth of July breakfast. We then proceeded to roll down in the neighborhood parade with Uncle Mikey, Eddie, Uncle Dave, Auntie Maria, Cousin Ben, Grammy, Grampy, Ms. Brookey and Mr. Andrew Govenar and their rugrats, Annabel and Lily.
The parade was amazing! Everyone noticed our breathtakingly decorated wagon (thanks, Grammy & Mommy!) and everyone also noticed our parents' festive, red plastic drinking cups. What's a parade without a little intoxication. God Bless America!
Afterwards, we all headed back to Chateau Kinney for some bbq fun. If we're lucky, we might get to stay up late enough to watch the fireworks. Yipee!
AHHH happy 4th! Love you gals and guy!
Gen and fam