Sorry for the delay in Mommy's riveting posts, people. She's been a bit busy lately. You know, taking care of my sister, Violet. I, well, I'm Ms. Independent and quite capable of "doing it myself" in every possible activity. Mommy is encroaching upon her 6th month of pregnancy and baby boy is growing like a weed and kicking like a quarterback. Mommy's fear of giving birth to a large son is becoming a closer reality. Daddy is a big boy after all ;)
In preparation for Baby B's arrival, M&D decided it was time to move sweet, naughty V-V to a big girl bed... in my room. While the anticipation of this move was frightening for my parents, it turned out to be less traumatic than expected. Sissy climbed right into that big girl bed like she was conquering a mountain and proceeded to refer to her "big beeeed" any time a new face entered the house. She is very proud of her new dwelling. Mommy feared she would miss her crib and long for it in the wee hours of the night, but nay... her reaction was one of disgust rather when passing the "infant room." With a firm grip on her "dee dee" otherwise known as her pacifier, she would say... "not my crib." While some might say this transition is coming too early (V-V is not even 2), Mommy & Daddy wanted to get a move on and start decorating Baby B's room. It was also crucial to avoid late night rendezvous in our joint room once Baby B arrives. All in all, the transition has gone well. Me, well, I like to climb into bed with V early mornings and tickle her. The giggling, while sometimes annoying at 5:45am, brings a smile to M&D's face every time. Naps have been easier than expected, too. We actually enjoy each other's company and find solace in the warm body sleeping in the twin bed across from us. That's not to say that Sissy's trick of throwing "dee dee" and "lamby" out of her bed and then demanding, "Sella, peeease get me dee dee! peeease get me lamby!" isn't quite disruptive at 3am when I'm sawing logs, but I love her and well, what are big sisters for if not retrieving their little sister's "lovies?"
Mommy has yet to take pictures of us in bed. I guess she worried the flash would wake us from our slumbers. She will post one soon enough. In the meantime, enjoy some shots of us with Daddy as he returned from his latest work trip in Dubai. And some more of us with Grampy, our tried and true resident "Go Diego Go!" watcher. :)
Love to all!
Stella (and V-V)
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