So, we just got back from Stella Josephine's four month well-baby checkup and let me tell you, she was a real trooper.
The bad news-- About five minutes into our appointment, we found out that Stella needed her second round of vaccinations, putting Mommy (not baby) into total meltdown mode. You see, the last round of shots did not end so well. I refused to hold our precious newborn in a locked arm position while she got nailed by four, long (repeat: LONG) needles in her gams. So, I made Jason. Long story short, Jason fought her arms down while lovingly staring into her eyes whispering words like "It's okay, Buddy"... Stella knew better than to trust Daddy that week: "Who you calling 'Buddy?!'" She wouldn't let him hold her without screaming bloody murder for several days. Mommy's no dummy.
You will be relieved to know this go around we were (okay, Jason was) much smarter. We made the evil nurses administer the four torturous shots while we left the room. Much to our surprise, however, Stella seemed relatively unscathed... she smiled at us as soon as we walked in. I swear I heard her say, "Bring it on."
Now for the well-baby report you've all been waiting for:
Weight: 13lbs, 12 oz (My little chunk! She's still only in the 50th percentile-- average-- for her age. Hard to believe with those cheeks!)
Height: 25 1/4" (70th percentile)
The doctor says we can start feeding Stella rice cereal. This news was very exciting. The pictures are the pre and post puncture shots, as well as Stella's very first box of rice cereal. More shots of her actually eating the cereal to come... baited breath, people... baited breath.
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