So, some of you may remember that Jason and my two year anniversary is September 25th. We will be celebrating officially in Maui. This past week, however, Jason decided to surprise me with a special dinner guest while we were visiting Los Angeles. I'm a huge fan of Kathy Griffin. I think her standup and her reality show are hilarious. Her shtick is to make fun of every celebrity she knows. It's really quite entertaining. If you've never watched, now is the time to hit the DVR and start Season 1 & 2. Season 3 should be on Bravo here next month.
My favorite dialogue of the night goes like this:
Mary: "I'm sorry we have Stella with us...I know you joke in your standup that you don't like kids."
Kathy: "That's right. Kids are selfish."
She was kidding of course. Had to be there maybe... :)
GOOOOD LAAAWRD !!! Miss Stella - I am so f#@*kin glad you got your own blog. With the two crazy ass parnets you have I am glad they are letting your light shine! Your "uncle" Heath loves you so much and I am glad your getting to know the cleb crowd on a personal level - we have big plans for you my love in the future. Your smile just kills me so much - please tell your "bad ass" mom to post of "fav" pic - the one of both smiling into the camera from your last visit - no double chins - YEAH !! Mabey soon you uncle Tom and I can take you out drinking - it is a sport we both seem to excell in.