Mom has found that on rainy days, S & I do better if we have LOADS of activities. Art projects, new books, cardboard boxes to decorate, you name it... being the Type A, borderline OCD patient that she is, Mommy has also taken to teaching us how to organize and clean by making up ridiculous songs and clapping any time we put something away. Desperation, folks.
Don't worry, Mommy's efforts have not been fruitless. Although Stella isn't fond of the cleaning per se, she and I have found a particular interest in organizing and reorganizing and find the perfect outlet for such activity is our jam-packed playroom. Here's a shot of us "reorganizing" our castle Grammy got us. We fought over where Cinderella and Aurora should go as we organized the toy room and then decided the toy kitchen oven was a nice place. So our newly discovered "organization skills" aren't exactly what Mommy had in mind, but we're learning ;)...
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