Friday, April 27, 2007

What's this business about another bun in the oven?

M&D have desperately tried to explain to me that another child is on the way-- October 15th to be exact. I keep looking at them like they're crazy. After all, we'll only be 17 months apart! Don't they know what happened to Britney and Kevin after baby Jaden came along? Chaos. Craziness. Barefoot and bald, people. Does any of this ring a bell?

Mommy seems to think that this whole deal will be great and I'll have a fabulous new sister/brother/friend to play with (or torment). I guess it might be nice to have another bug around the house. Although I do already have Coco! Put your guesses in now folks... boy or girl? I'm hoping for another dog. :)

You judge from these pics how I'll deal with sharing the love...

Friday, April 20, 2007

My Buddy(ies) and Me...

Mom and I had an outing to Burr's Ice Cream Parlor on Weds afternoon. We met all of my friends there. It was SO much fun! I'm sure our waiter loved the constant entertainment, too! Hot dog throwing and milk spillage is all part of the day, right??

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter Ain't Just About Chocolate Bunnies

This Easter I got five Easter baskets (Mommy, Grammy, Mama Vi, Auntie T, & Great Aunt Ev), went to a VERY long Easter Vigil mass, attended brunch in celebration of Auntie Taryn and Auntie Maria's confirmation, and cleaned up at a family egg hunt. I might be too young for eating chocolate bunnies, but I'm not complainin' this year will be hard to match!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

So many men, so little time...

Chris Updegrove came over to fix our computer and I couldn't keep my hands off of him! Papa Paul in his sweet Cal jersey and my Godfather Tommy and I just hangin' like we do...

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Just when you thought you had me figured out...

So, the funny thing is that in the weeks that my dad managed to lose our first camera and get a new one, I have actually managed to nail down several important baby milestones. One-- Standing and walking (with assistance). Two-- Belting out a new monstrous cry every time I'm put to bed. I think it's quite amusing watching M&D's faces as they whimper in distress. Three-- Refuse to eat unless I can feed myself and yes, that includes anything mushy and disgusting. Four-- Manipulate the hearts of people everywhere, including my godparents (picture included here). Five-- Coerce my parents into taking me with them to Italy in the next month (hence the picture of me in a portable high chair. The Euros don't know how to cater to us "little people)." Six-- Sing in music class like I was born to do (picture included here).

Just another day in the life...

So much action, so little time, people. Daddy and I cruising the streets, Grammy & I playing pirate on my new "play thing," Me posing like the goddess that I am, Uncle Mikey showing me how JT brought "sexy back"... you know, the usual. Enjoy.