Monday, November 26, 2007


We decorated the house in Christmas splendor and attended the Sac downtown Christmas parade this past weekend. V and I were a little confused over who this guy masquerading as Santa was, but we joined in the clapping and hoopla anyway! Yay for presents! I only got one timeout this weekend and now that I have a special "timeout" spot- thanks Grammy!- Mommy has a whole lot less work to do. Sissy was pretty good so she got to chill in the swing. Lucky!

Holiday Playtime!

Mom, Violet and I visited the Govenar's new house this past week and had some playtime with BFF Lilly and cousin, Fiona. It was quite fun tearing the Govenar's house apart. Nothing like three 18-month-olds and a cabinet full of toys.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gobble, Gobble...

Turkey, cranberry sauce and a whole lot of gravy... our Thanksgiving was one the pilgrims would have envied. Thanks, Grammy Jo! Uncle Mikey's boss, Fez, joined us since his family is in Argentina. You can see he and Grampy had some "cozy" time. Nothing like sharing a love seat with your employee's father.

After our splendid dinner, we all ventured over to the Callahan's for some pumpkin pie. Here are some pics from the day's events. SJ & V

Monday, November 19, 2007

Uncle Tom & Auntie Erin are Getting Hitched!

Violet and I are so unbelievably excited for the pending August nuptials of Auntie Erin and Uncle Tommy. Last night the bride's parents threw a special fete in honor of the dynamo duo. V and I showed up in our bestest dresses and tights and I even tried to toast the crowd come speech time.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Who's Your Daddy?

Our Daddy is 37 years old. Well, now he's like 37 years old +... His birthday was last Tuesday. We celebrated at Dragonfly restaurant downtown and both Kinney gals were well behaved in honor of dear ole dad. Stella J. entertained our waitress and Cousin Ben, while I nursed like a champ. Mommy, well, she just tried to drink her wine fast.

Here are some pictures from Daddy's birthday and the week after. Everyone is getting so big... and in Daddy's case, just plain old. ;)

- Violet

Monday, November 5, 2007

Mia Grande Famiglia!

Honestly, it's pretty insane how many cousins we have these days. Certainly makes for a good time and never a dull moment. Here are some pictures from the weekend. It was our cousin Taylor's 8th birthday and we had a visit from our other cousin Cayden (he's 7 months old). Enjoy!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

One Ladybug, One Pumpkin and a Penguin Later...

and you have a Gonsalves-Kinney Halloween extravaganza! We had the whole fam over for some candy and pizza. Before the fam came over, however, I went to lunch with BFF Lily and then that evening my sis and I paraded up and down 38th Street lookin' something kind of fierce. We were the only kids during that hour, which made for quite a killing on the candy front. It pays to trick or treat at 5pm. Too bad we can't actually eat our candy!

Baby Benjamin came over in his penguin costume. I was actually kind of scared of him... he looked pretty real to me!
