Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas with the Kinney's

Vio and I made out like thieves! Apparently, Santa has no idea how many times I pinched my sister. Lots of fun toys-- a kitchen set most women would envy, a Radio Flyer tricycle, clothes and shoes, hats, stuffed animals, a big girl potty, books, did I mention shoes?, a hot pink big girl recliner from Grammy! I mean, honestly, we had a kick butt year. After we devoured Mommy's Christmas Eve feast with our aunts, uncles and Grandparents, Vio and I left cookies and apples for Santa and his reindeer. I took it upon myself to help Santa out by nibbling on a few of the cookies before bedtime. Christmas night we went to Grammy Jo's for more food and hoopla. All in all, a fab Natale.


  1. How fun! Caitlin got a chair and kitchen this year too! They are so much fun!!!

  2. Hey Mary,

    Sorry to have been such a flake around the holidays!!!!! I'd really love to see you girls. Give me a call or shoot me an email.

    Look forward to seing you!
