Monday, September 29, 2008

I Left My Heart in San Francisco

What a wedding weekend extravaganza! Violet and I accompanied Mom & Dad, Grammy & Grampy and our uncles and aunts to SF for our second cousin's wedding. The lovely bride, Joanna, and her beau, Lucien, were stunning and hosted quite the shindig-- or so our parents tell us. We were left behind with a sitter.

The night before, however, we dined at Trattoria Contadina in North Beach and then hit the Farmer's Market and Aquarium the next morning. All in all, a fabulous trip. Enjoy the pics! xoxo Stell & Vio


  1. we are going to sf this weekend, trying to decide between the aquarium or the zoo, how was the aquarium?

  2. hmmm... tough one. the aquarium is pretty neat, but missing whales/dolphins, etc. i love the zoo, too. what is she more into? animals or marine life?

  3. So cute, Mary!!! Thank you for sending me the link. I can't believe how big Violet is!!! Glad you liked the bracelet.
